Dear Sirs


I learn with great concern the proposal to make a presumption of consent to donate organs when one dies. I am a live kidney donor who chose to donate and to be on the register. I do however respect the view of many of my friends that they nor their close relations would want body parts taken without specific consent.


It seems to me that it would be incredibly difficult to maintain a register of those who have expressly said they do not want to donate with the real risk that the official person accessing the register to check,  misses the name of the deceased person due to similarities in names or for other reasons.  How could one access it to ensure that one’s name was on there. There are many people who move around or have no fixed abode and they may not have been aware or able to refuse. It is sacrilegious that a doctor or surgeon can remove parts of anyone’s  body without their consent whilst they were alive.


Ron Enticott
